National Center for Transgender Equality Transitions Away from Doing Any-Goddamned-Thing at All

Jen Durbent
1 min readNov 15, 2019
Depends where you’re working, doesn’t it?

WASHINGTON D.C. —Surprising many in the transgender community, the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) bought out the majority of their staff Thursday in an effort to refocus their efforts on something else.

“We salute these individuals who strove to improve the standing of the transgender community,” said Buck Fuller, interim spokesman for the organization who was in no way waiting for the inevitable other shoe to drop and his own employment at the organization to be terminated without cause or recourse, leaving him to not only personally struggle with transphobia as he looks for a job but also the inevitable hurt that the struggle of all transgender Americans face without even the small voice that NCTE provided.

“The organization just decided, you know, to do something else. Maybe take a little time in South America. Try a little ayahuasca. Get re-centered, you know? This is not a race thing at all.”

At press time, the organization had not issued a statement about the occurrences, leading to speculation that rather than the spiritual journey Fuller described, the NCTE has absolutely no fucking clue what it’s doing.



Jen Durbent

stand-up comic. writer of docs, falsehoods, and poems. camab ⚧ she|they|it. I wrote a novel. or two.